heart are you okay..? the bottles that was full, the glimpse of hope that
stays... you have been waiting calmly, patiently, hurtfully, there little
heart.. it bruises you... until it deforms you.. why am i so blind and numb
that i let this happen to you.. you're crying aren't you..? i know you don't
show that.. but i can feel your cold tears in me.. i'm sorry little heart.. i'm
sorry we didn't have that much courage to let it out..i'm sorry.. little heart
please don't burst.. i know its hard to believe it right now, hard to
comprehend the truth.. but it happened and we didn't take the chance when we
have it before... please don't burst.. i still need you.. i'm sorry that you've
change because of this... little heart please listen to me.. there is nothing
we can do now.. we have to empty those bottles little heart.. this time we have
to break those chains and empty them all.. all of them not let one single bit
remains.. even if it bleeds.. we just have to keep emptying them until none is
left not even the first one.. i know it hurts, it hurts now like never before..
i did not know that it will turn out like this little heart.. please don't
little heart.. you're crying you LIFE out.. please don't... i'm hurting too
little heart..i feel those feelings, live those memories...i'm crying too, i'm
hurting too, i feel what you feel little heart... it hurts so bad that your
mind stops, the time stops, everything that have grown until now, strike down
and crumbled to pieces... i know what i feel is pain, but little heart did you
know, the mind became so numb because of the pain it suffered from the
very first day we started to fill those bottles..
can only let it go little heart... no more keeping hopes for him, no more
weaving dreams with him, no more waiting, no more butterflies, no more cold
hands, no more shivers, no more avoiding and no more deforming.. little heart
we changed because of those bottles.. now we have to let him go.. i know it
cuts and stabs us but we'll heal in time.. it will heal.. maybe there will be
scars but it'll heal in time.. how long..? i don't know little heart..for 10
years.. all.. everything ended just like this..? i know it is very painful
little heart but i'm here, we will make it through together..healing process
will hurt a lot but we'll be fine in time.. he is just not for us..
have wonderful plans for me.. i know that He has the best things for me, to get
to those things i have to face many hardship and this is one of it.. Lord,
please open my heart and let my feelings for him go, so that finally i will not
wait, not hoping.. i'm thankful for Your plans Lord..
Heart beat strong-
I don't think anyone has told you how deeply deeply touching what you write here is. I totally reading it! Thank you!